Spend Some Quiet Time Together And Feel Your Love Grow

love couple sitting on a benchDo you want to feel your love grow? Then you might want to  take your eyes off you tech toys and put them on your sweetheart.  Everyone knows that feeling when  technology calls out to them for attention. Don’t we? Our just a moments go something like this. Oh, just a minute honey let me check my texts, or my Facebook wall or email or the many ways we use technology these days.  It’s a little sad how  our love for  technology seems to run a close second to the love of our sweethearts.

Most of us spend more time on our computers and other electronics than we do with the one we love and left wondering where did the time go?  Not to long ago it was the noise of radios blaring, televisions constantly blaring in the back ground, home phones ringing, roaring jet planes , car alarms, leaf blowers that sounded like broken muffler, that interrupted our quiet time with our sweethearts. But now it’s the silence of texting, emailing, the sound of our fingers stroking keyboards, and finally the sound of birds chirping ,bells ringing,  or a door knocking sound because we all have so many ring tones to choose from.

I can’t leave out the many apps that we have to choose from that are full of endless sounds from dogs barking to lions roaring. Every time I drive past a mall my phone let’s me know by a ring tone that sounds like money cha ching. If you want to keep your sweetheart happy give your full attention to her or him because if you’re never out of earshot of some distracting noise, then you could start to lose contact with them. You may not be able to force your neighbor to shut off his lawn mower or leaf blower, but there is plenty of noise-making machinery around your house that you do control. Even music,which we all love, can make it harder for the two of you to communicate if it’s always playing in the background.  So give your eyes and ears a rest once in a while, spend some quiet time together, and feel your love grow. 

Just a little tip: There’s noise and then there’s the TV, which combines sound with equally distracting images, Watching television should be done at certain times when there’s something you want to watch. Keeping it on as a back to your life will only make your life less well-lived. And if you have a TV in your bedroom you might want to turn it off and watch your sweetheart instead.